
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Start the New Year with some Safety Pledges for your kids

Internet Safety Pledge


I will talk with my parents or guardian so that we can set up rules for going online. The rules will include the time of day that I may be online, the length of time I may be online, whom I may communicate with while online, and appropriate areas for me to visit while online. I will not break these rules or access other areas without their permission.

I will never download anything from anyone I don't know. In addition to offensive content, spam or junk e-mail may contain viruses that can damage my computer.


I will never share personal information such as my full name, my mailing address, my telephone number, the name of my school, or any other information that could help someone determine my actual identity.

I will also not reveal any personal information about my friends or family. I will never send a person my picture or anything else without first checking with my parents or guardian.


I will tell a trusted adult if I come across any information that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable, or confused.

I will never respond to any messages that are rude or offensive in any way. I will show the message to a trusted adult right away so that he or she can decide if it’s necessary to contact the online service or other authorities.


Since the biggest danger to my safety is getting together with someone I have first “met” online, I won’t meet in person with anyone unless my parents or guardian agrees to the meeting, they will go with me to the meeting, and the meeting will be in a public place.


The Internet is a large community; therefore, my behavior while on it affects others. I will always treat others the way I would like to be treated.

I will respect copyright laws and check on sources. When writing reports I will make sure that the online sources of information are credible, and I will always cite my sources.

Piracy is illegal and keeps authors, artists, and others from getting paid for their work. I will never download things such as pictures, games, music, or movies that have not been given to the public for free.

Real World Safety Pledge


If I go anywhere, I will take a friend, brother, or sister with me. When I am with friends and something happens, there is a better chance that we can help each other to be safer.

I will get permission if I need to go out alone and make sure that a parent or guardian knows the details of my whereabouts.

It's important that a trusted adult knows where I am going to be, who I'll be with, what I'll be doing, and when I'll be back. I will check in regularly by directly telling, leaving a note, or leaving a phone or e-mail message letting my trusted adult know the details of my whereabouts.
By keeping others informed about my activities, I can better protect myself. If I'm ever faced with a risky situation or get into trouble, my family and friends will know where to begin looking for me. I will avoid situations that put me at risk in the first place.

I have the right to reject unwanted and inappropriate attention such as teasing, touching, and bullying. If someone – anyone – touches me in a way that makes me feel uncomfortable, I have the right to say "NO." I will pay attention to my feelings and use my best judgment.

Whether it is peer pressure about sex, drugs, or doing something that I know is wrong, I will be strong and stand my ground. I will make my feelings known by using a firm, loud, voice clearly stating 'No." If my friends are making bad decisions, that doesn't mean I have to, and I will try to help stop them from doing so.

I will talk about my problems and concerns with a trusted adult; and I know someone will be there to help me. I will remember there is a solution to every problem and talking it through with a trusted adult will help. I will trust my intuition by recognizing when I am feeling uncomfortable and taking action to get myself out of that situation.

You may download printable pledges here
to share with your kids and sign. Don't just assume that your kids know this information, anytime is the right time to talk about safety online or offline.

What do you do if you believe your child has been approached online by a predator? You can contact your local law enforcement and go here for more information.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Free Car Seat Check~

Come out on Saturday and join us for a free car seat/booster seat inspection, bring your car seat/and or booster seat, the instructions book that came with your seat if possible, the vehicle manual and the child who will use the seat (if possible). We invite new parents, parents-to-be, grandparents, caretakers, or anyone that drives with a child in their car. Even if you just need information, stop by and say hello, we will have Certified Car Seat Technicians on hand to answer your questions.
For more info contact Amanda Peters at the Iredell County Health Department or email me at

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Car Seat Safety Week Celebrated

This is some wonderful information I found on the blog about car seat safety, kudos to Jaime for posting it.
By Sarah on High Country Mom Squad • on September 10, 2009

I remember when my first daughter was born prematurely, we didn’t get to put her in the carseat for the drive home right away. She was six weeks early, when I had severe preeclampsia, but thankfully, she did not have to go to the NICU (just a level 2 nursery), she didn’t have severe problems, and we went home after 12 days.
Before we took her home, we had to go through a “car seat test” where they set HipChick in her car seat for 30 minutes and monitored her oxygen saturation. Well, she failed the test, meaning that sitting up in her carseat made her chest compress so she couldn't breathe well. I had never heard of a “Car Bed,” but that’s what we took her home in! (I’ll try to find a picture today)
But speaking of carseat safety, I spent some time this week on a conference call with Amy Lupold Bair (Resourceful Mommy) and representatives the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) about Child Passenger Safety Week, September 12-18.

I learned tons of new information on that call, and I’ve been carting kids around for eight years! They talked about the LATCH system, which stands for Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children. Out of eight years of carseats, I have never realized that I needed to use a tether or lower anchors!

NHTSA has put together tons of information for parents regarding Child Seat Safety, and the LATCH system, so thanks to modern technology and social media, we can be fully informed and armed with the information we need! Here are some websites where you can see information, videos, downloadable instructions, and more: – Child Passenger Safety Landing Page

Here you can download fact sheets, diagrams, and instructions, and link to all the places Child Passenger Safety can be found on the web.

Child Passenger Safety:
Inspection Station locator:
According to NHTSA, “According to a NHTSA study, 3 out of 4 kids are not as secure in the car as they should be because their car seats are not being used correctly. The LATCH system (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) was developed to make it easier to correctly install car seats.”

So here are some quick facts from NHTSA:

Do I need to buy a new carseat? Is LATCH safer than using the seat belts for installation? Not necessarily. A carseat PROPERLY installed with a seat belt should be as safe as one properly installed with LATCH. LATCH should make it easier to get a proper installation.

Where do I get a tether anchor for my vehicle? Contact your local dealer or your manufacturer to see if a kit specific to your vehicle exists. Some dealers will install an anchor for free.

Can I use a tether on my convertible seat when it is rear-facing? NO, unless it is specifically stated in the manual. Britax and Sunshine Kids allow this on some of their models.

Click here to find a Car Seat Safety checkpoint near you! It definitely helps to have someone there to show you how to safely buckle in your car seat. I spoke with Appalachian Regional Health Care and Healthy Carolinians, and they are planning to do a Car Seat Safety Checkpoint this fall, probably in October. We’ll have more info on that soon.
Click here for all the places you can connect with NHTSA and receive valuable tips and updates!

Check out this handy widget with a video and lots of tips! You can share it on your blog, Facebook Page, email, or anywhere you can inset HTML code!

Stay safe and always buckle up!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Top 5 mistakes that new parents should avoid

~~September is Baby Safety Month ~~

Top Five Mistakes from Safe Kids:

1. Not having a safe sleep environment. Put babies back to sleep in cribs that meet safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) and the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association (JPMA) with a firm, tight fitting mattress. Remove pillows, loose sheets or blankets, stuffed toys, crib bumpers, sleep positioners and other soft bedding products before putting babies to sleep.

2.Holding a baby while cooking or carrying hot foods and liquids. Most scald burns in young children, especially in those ages 6 months to 2 years, are from spilled hot foods and liquids. If you need to cook or carry something hot, first strap the baby into a bouncy chair or high chair.

3.Leaving a baby unattended in the tub or near sinks, buckets and containers filled with water. The main reason babies drown is lack of supervision - often for a very short amount of time. Babies can slip out of bath seats, fall out of baby tubs, or tip forward or sideways into the water and drown in seconds. Children under 1 year usually drown in bathtubs, 5-gallon buckets, and toilets. Never leave a baby unattended in or near water - even for a second.

4.Turning infants facing-forward too early. For the best possible protection, keep your infant in a rear-facing child safety seat in a back seat for as long as possible - up to the height or weight limit of the particular seat. The "12-months-and-20-pounds" rule that many parents cite when turning their child forward in the car is actually the minimum size and age requirement. Never turn a child forward-facing before age 1 and at least 20 pounds, although keeping kids rear-facing until about age 2 is safer if the seat allows.

5.Underestimating a baby's abilities and limitations. Babies will wiggle, kick, roll over, mouth their toys, move around, pull up, crawl, take her first steps and walk. Even if she can't do all of these things right now, there’s always a first time. As babies grow, they may have different abilities and limitations that put them at risk for injury. Parents should think ahead and ask themselves what they need to do to make their house a safe place for little ones, and they should share this information with other caregivers.
Baby Safety Month is an annual observance led by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association since 1991. To learn more about this year's focus, "JPMA Certification is the Key to Caring," visit


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Texting while Driving (very graphic video)

As the parent of a teen this video upsets me greatly, as an ER nurse I know the importance of sharing this with others. I read that texting while driving can increase your chances of a crash 23 times more! so why do it? Watch this with your teens after you watch it yourself and talk to them honestly about the consequences of making poor choices. If you are a parent make sure that your choices are good ones, you are always being watched. At my house we always say 'monkey see monkey do" and that is so true for little eyes that watch what we do and do the same thing. Stay safe and keep your kids safe ;)

***I will warn you, this is graphic and might not be suitable for some****

Monday, July 27, 2009

What is a SVRS? and why do I need it?

Install an SVRS in your pool or spa for safety.
(from SafeKids Water Safety)
When a swimmer becomes stuck to a drain or suction outlet in a swimming
pool, spa, wading pool, or hot tub, the force of the circulation system can be
This suction force will not allow a person to free themselves, no matter how
strong a swimmer they may be. It is extremely difficult for onlookers to break
this suction by lifting the person off the drain — to do so, you would have to
be able to lift more than 500 pounds. Even several people working together
may not be able to accomplish this. This “suction entrapment” will hold the
bather in its grip until the vacuum is broken. A person held underwater in this
manner can suffer severe body or limb injury, or even death.

What is an SVRS?
A Safety Vacuum Release System — or SVRS for short — is an automatic suction
force release system. When a drain becomes blocked, the SVRS provides a rapid
vacuum release. This quickly frees anyone whose body or limb is trapped on the
An SVRS works whether or not there is a cover on the drain, and does not interfere
with the pump function. Once installed, an SVRS requires little or no maintenance.

How does a mechanical SVRS prevent entrapment?
A spring loaded piston located in the SVRS unit forms a seal to prevent air entering
the suction system during normal operation. Should a sudden rise in vacuum occur
due to an entrapment event, the piston is forced open and the air seal is broken.
Under this condition, outside air is allowed to enter the suction side of the pump
causing the pump to lose prime, thereby releasing the vacuum.

How is an SVRS installed?
A mechanical SVRS unit is easily installed, adjusted and tested with standard tools
and supplies. The SVRS unit is mounted vertically, above or off a tee installed in the
main drain suction line close to the circulation pump. Since the SVRS is an air
passageway only, the unit does not convey water, and therefore can be installed on
small or large pipe sizes. Most installations can be completed in less than 30 minutes.
An electrical SVRS unit may also be used and is installed by a licensed electrician.

I have multiple drains in my pool — do I still need an SVRS?
Having multiple drains is no assurance that someone will not become entrapped
by the suction force on one of the drains. One or more of the drain lines can become
clogged or completely obstructed by leaves, debris, towels, toys, etc. However,
the pool/spa system will appear to be functioning normally, as there is still one
functioning drain.
An SVRS provides a quick release of a person’s body or limb trapped on a drain.

What features should I look for in an SVRS?
• Easy to install (within 30 minutes). It is recommended to have a pool professional
install the SVRS.
• Self-monitoring, and low maintenance.
• Covered by a warranty of more than one year.
• Won’t damage your pump when activated.
• Meets all requirements of the International Code Council — both the
International Building Code (IBC) and the International Residential Code (IRC).
• Meets or exceeds all the ANSI/ASME performance standards for safety vacuum
release systems.
• Constructed of non-corroding parts to ensure long life and superior performance.
Vac-AlertTM Model VA-2000 SVRS, with cutaway
showing the interior. Pictures can be found here

How can I learn more?
Contact Safe Kids Worldwide at
202-662-0600, or

Stay safe

Pool and Safety Act

The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act was enacted by Congress and signed by President Bush on December 19, 2007. It was enacted to prevent the tragic and hidden hazard of drain entrapments and eviscerations in pools and spas. The law became effective on December 19, 2008.The VGB Act established a federal swimming pool and spa drain cover standard to ensure pools are equipped with the proper devices. Under the law, all public pools and spas must have ASME/ANSI A112.19.8-2007 compliant drain covers installed and a second anti-entrapment system installed, when there is only a single main drain (other than an unblockable drain) or multiple main drains less than 3 feet apart.

The CPSC is focusing on the pools and spas that pose the greatest risk of entrapment (especially those with single main drain systems and flat drain grates):Public Wading pools Kiddie pools In ground spas.

Here are some ways to help prevent drownings:

Supervise your children at all times

Learn how to swim and teach your children how

Learn CPR

Watch out for drains and suction outlets

Create barriers around your pool or spa

Install a telephone near your pool along with door alarms and pool covers

Each year many American families encounter pool tragedies – drowning and submersion incidents. These tragedies are preventable.In May 2009 the Commission released a report related to pool and spa submersion incidents involving children under 5.

Each year there are nearly 300 reported drownings involving children younger than five years old.

Each year there are about 3,000 emergency room-treated submersion injuries to children younger than five years old.

In addition, there have been 83 reported entrapment incidents reported to the CPSC from 1999 through 2008. Among these are eleven fatality reports, including the accident that ended Virginia Graeme Baker's life in 2002.CPSC staff began investigating reported incidents of pool/spa suction entrapment in the 1970s. Figures from 1999 through 2008 include:83 reported entrapments 11 fatality reports (7 residential, 4 public) 69 injury reports (38 residential, 21 public, 10 unknown location) 3 no injury reports (residential)

Types of entrapment:





Mechanical: Jewelry, bathing suits

For more information on this very important Act
Another wonderful resource great info about water safety.
More water safety info to blog, stay tuned in...............

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Smoke Alarms and your child

Raising Safe Kids: One Stage at a Time
Does Your Child Know the Sound of a Smoke Alarm?
Children younger than age 7 are more vulnerable to smoke and flames in a fire, less likely to wake up if a smoke alarm sounds while they’re sleeping and have a hard time escaping a burning home by themselves.
When children see smoke or fire, they may try to hide in a closet or under a bed. So, as soon as your children are old enough to understand, make sure they know the sound of the smoke alarm and what to do when they hear it.
Remember to make and practice a fire escape plan with your entire family. Find at least two ways out of every room and have a plan to help young children escape your home.
Q&A of the Week
Q: My children sleep very deeply. Will they wake up to the smoke alarm?
A: Sometimes children will sleep through a smoke alarm. Test your alarms at night to see if your child will wake up and respond to the alarm. If you child doesn’t wake up to the alarm, try a talking alarm that says “Fire! Fire!”
Some smoke alarms also use a recordable voice message to wake children up, instead of a traditional alarm. These devices let a parent record a personal message like, “Suzie, wake up and get out of the house right now!”
Tip of the Week
Preschool-aged children (3 years and older) can begin to learn what to do in case of a fire. Teach your little ones that the sound of a smoke alarm means go outside immediately, meet at a designated place and don’t hide from firefighters.

These are great tips from the website on smoke alarms and your children. Such a great idea to introduce your kids of all ages to what a smoke alarm is and what it sounds like. At our house we regularly change the batteries and test the smoke alarms both upstairs and down in our basement. I let the kids help me and explain to them what I am doing and why. We have a plan for fire or smoke that involves a central location that we will all meet in the front yard in case the smoke alarm sounds. My husband and I also role played with our younger kids about what the fireman would look like and sound like if he came into there room at night. It would be scary to anybody to see all that gear and air packs on some stranger in a dark smoke filled room. A trip to your local fire station helps , we went with a group on a tour and one of the firemen put on all his gear and let the kids touch and look closer at him, he explained how he was not a monster, but a community helper that was going to help them in the event their mommy or daddy could not get them out of the house.

Please talk to your kids about these very important tips and maybe it could save a life.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Should schools have the main responsibility?

Interesting poll and snapshot in USA today: "teaching teens about drug abuse, should your kids be taught this at school or do you think it is your responsibility". How honest are you with your teens about your drug and alcohool use as a teen? I made some very bad choices myself in high school and now regret them, but I use those bad choices to teach my teen and other teens about the stupid things that I did. I can not imagine the brain cells that I must have wasted on drugs and alcohol. I could have been a rocket scientist but I also could have killed someone or myself by my choices. I did make the decision to stop making bad choices after high school and went on to college, become a nurse and have a family now. Imagine my outcome if I had not stopped. How about the outcome of your teen, which do you want?? The wrong choice could mean a body bag and a funeral service. Think about it, do you want to leave the responsibility up to your teen's school to teach them about "choices"

I'll leave you thinking on that one

Thursday, June 25, 2009

June is Internet Safety Month

How careful are you on the web?? What are your kids doing on the web? Think about it and do some research yourself about keeping you and your kids safe. Here are some great links to check out:

These are only a few websites with great information, but you the parent are the first line of defense. Be a smart parent, in this world of tech everything now we have to have some tech savvy to keep up with our kids. I have a Facebook page myself and even signed my teenager up for his own page. He and I are friends on Facebook, so I know what he is doing there and he knows what I am doing. I see his friends list, pictures, groups etc. and he can see mine. If you are suspicious about your child's internet activity, then communication with them is the key. Now is the time to open communication and lay it all on the table, before something happens that you will regret later.
Be safe and stay safe online and off!!

~~Once upon a Booster Seat~~

I am alive today because I wear by seat belt!! My 5th birthday party
The Little Princess age 3

Once upon a time,
there lived a little Princess that had outgrown her little girl car safety seat, with the 5 point harness, and was ready to move into a "big girl" booster seat just like her big Princess sister. The little Princess and her Royal Mommy set out on a journey to the booster seat store and picked out the perfect one, a pretty pink high back booster with little royal fairies on it. The new booster seat was installed into the Royal mini-van by the Royal Mommy who just happened to be a certified car seat safety technician and off they drove to the Royal kingdom. The little Princess soon learned that all she had to do was push a button and "click" she was able to get out of the seat belt. Much to the Royal Mommy's dismay she was able to get up and wave out the window at all her royal subjects so much easier while standing up unbuckled. The Royal Mommy was most upset with this behavior and decided to sternly and swiftly warm the little bottom of the little Princess every time she decided to get out of her new booster seat. This went on for a week until the little Princess decided it would be better to stay in her new pink booster seat, buckled up safe and sound, than to have her bottom warmed up by the hand of the Royal Mommy. Her little royal tooshie was starting to get a might bit sore, and the Royal Mommy was getting very grouchy. The Royal Mommy also explained to her how much safer she was in her seat, belted in correctly.
That following Monday afternoon, not even a mile from the castle, a terrible thing happened. A very large bus/RV made a poor choice and pulled out directly in front of the Royal mini-van causing a crash. The Royal Mommy was kept safely in her seat by the seat belt she was wearing. The airbags kept her from hitting the steering wheel or dashboard of the Royal mini-van. The little Princess was also kept safely in her little pink booster seat by the seat belt since she had decided to be safe and keep in on correctly. Both the Royal Mommy and the little Princess had many bumps and bruises, but both are alive today. The seat belts and airbags in the Royal mini-van did their jobs working together to keep the Royal driver and passenger safe to live another day in the kingdom. The poor Royal mini-van did not survive and the Royal daddy was most upset, but glad his family is still here today. The moral of this story: Little Princess's should always ride in their car seats or booster seats, installed correctly with seat belts on, so that one day they can meet Prince Charming and live happily ever after.

True story: by Leslie Block RN(the Royal Mommy of the Little Princess);)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

The Rest of the story...

As I promised from the previous post....
The rest of my story is another
reason why I am so passionate about the prevention of injury and share my passion with others whenever possible.
One lovely sunny Monday afternoon a couple of years ago, my youngest daughter and I got into the van and started on our daily journey to pick up the other 2 kids at school (this was before we started homeschooling). My hubby had just left our house a few minutes ahead of us in his 18 wheeler, headed for the mid-west for several days. He was driving a truck long distance then. I turned left onto the same road that we traveled daily,only seconds from our house, rounded a curve and started down the hill when I spotted a very large RV bus that was just about to turn into the RV dealership on that same road. I just knew that he would not pull out, he had no time to turn. I was so wrong, I watched with slow motion horror as that big RV pulled right out in front of my van. I was going about 45 mph (the speed limit) when I had to attempt to slam on my brakes, but went straight into the side of that bus. I remember that the van hit so hard that the rear end almost rose higher than the bus and flipped over. Everything in the van was thrown forward, including the extra booster seat that my other daughter would ride home from school in. As the van came down to a complete stop, all I could think about was my youngest daughter in her booster seat just behind my seat. All I heard was silence then a blood curdling scream out of her small body,she was so scared. I could barely get myself up and out of the van and run around to her seat, I had to get to her no matter what. I picked her up and made a quick once over to check for any obvious injuries. Not even a scratch was on her little body, her booster seat and the seat belt had done their jobs well. I was covered in bruises and abrasions from the seat belt and the airbag that deployed. But we were alive!! and that was all that mattered. Without the seat belts and the airbag I truly believe that both of us would have died that day, the impact of that crash would have thrown both of us out of the van and into the side of that bus. Hard to survive that mechanism of injury as I have seen many times before as an ER nurse.
The driver of the van only had one thing to say........"I thought I could make it" well he thought wrong and could have killed somebody with that poor choice. Thank goodness his bus was empty
that day, my van made a huge dent in the side where an elderly resident would have been seated.

In my next post, I will tell you the story of a little princess and her booster seat, the very same little princess that was with me that day in this crash.
Until then, be safe and always remember to buckle up and pay attention to the road. PLEASE!
You just never know when someone making poor choices will cross your path.


Friday, April 3, 2009

To Be continued.......

What happens when you combine
a beautiful sunny day,
a mother and her daughter,
a minivan (that was paid for)
a driver who made a poor choice,
and a very large assisted living RV bus
I will tell you in
my next post...................
to be continued.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Blogging Construction.....look out!

What a mess!! yes and and probably all of the crash victims ended up
in the ER or in the county morgue. Why you ask? who knows , but
I can bet ya that a lack of education on somebody's part played into
this horrific crash. Was it a drunk driver, a distracted teen on a cell
phone, a distracted mom whose kids were all screaming "mommy"
"I'm hungry"or just somebody being stupid. It is a sad reality that
a little bit of education can prevent the senseless loss of life, I have
been an Er nurse for close to 20 years now and have seen the terrible
outcomes of bad choices. That is my purpose for this blog, to help
share some education along with some humor (since the humor of
an ER nurse is a necessity and a tool). So come along on my journey
in blogging and I hope you can learn something to share with others
along the way.
aka "Captain Chaos"