
Sunday, November 14, 2010

Cooking Safety

Cooking brings family and friends together, provides an outlet for creativity and can be relaxing. But did you know that cooking fires are the number one cause of home fires and home injuries? By following a few safety tips you can prevent these fires.
 >>Be on alert! If you are sleepy or have consumed alcohol don’t use the stove or stovetop.
>>Stay in the kitchen while you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you leave the kitchen for even a short period of time, turn off the stove.
>> If you are simmering, baking, roasting, or boiling food, check it regularly, remain in the home while food is cooking, and use a timer to remind you that you are cooking.
 >>Keep anything that can catch fire — oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging    towels or curtains — away from your stovetop. 
If You Have A Cooking Fire...
 >>Just get out! When you leave, close the door behind you to help contain the fire.
 >>Call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number after you leave.
 >>If you try to fight the fire, be sure others are getting out and you have a clear way out.
 >>Keep a lid nearby when you’re cooking to smother small grease fires. Smother the fire by sliding the lid over the pan and turn off the stovetop. Leave the pan covered until it is completely cooled.
 >>For an oven fire turn off the heat and keep the door closed.

Cooking and Kids
Have a “kid-free zone” of at least 3 feet around the stove and areas where hot food or drink is prepared or carried.
Find great information about fire safety 

Print this pdf about Cooking safety Here 

Please have a safe and happy holiday

Thanksgiving Safety Tips from Safe Kids USA

Thanksgiving is the time of year when family and friends gather together to enjoy a tasty meal and to celebrate the good things in our lives. Don't let a dangerous kitchen fire spoil such a happy occasion!
Did you know that cooking fires are the #1 cause of home fires and home fire injuries in the United States? On average, there are almost three times more cooking fires on Thanksgiving Day than on any other day. Moreover, Thanksgiving Day fires in residential structures cause more property damage and claim more lives than residential structure fires on other days.  
Follow some simple safety tips to protect your family and your home.

 Top Kitchen Safety Tips
Preventing cooking fires
  • Never leave hot food or appliances unattended while cooking.
  • Always be alert when you are cooking and not under the influence of medication or alcohol.
  • Keep anything that can catch on fire at least 3 feet from the stove, toaster oven, or other heat source.
  • Keep the stove top, burners, and oven clean.
  • Do not wear loose fitting clothes that can catch fire if you stand too close to a burner.
  • If you are frying, grilling or broiling food stay in the kitchen.  If you are baking or simmering check food frequently.
Preventing burns and scalds
  • To prevent hot food or liquid spills, use the stove’s back burner and/or turn pot handles away from the stove's edge.
  • All appliance cords should be kept coiled and away from counter edges.
  • Use oven mitts or potholders when moving hot food.
  • Open containers that have been in the microwave slowly and away from the face.
  • Never use a wet oven mitt, as it presents a scald danger if the moisture in the mitt is heated.
Keeping Kids Safe
  • Create a 3 foot Kid Free Zone around the stove.
  • Never hold a child while cooking, drinking, or carrying hot foods or liquids.
  • Young children should be more than 3 feet from any place where there is hot food, drinks, pans, or trays.
  • Hot items should be kept from the edge of counters and tables.
  • Do not use a tablecloth or place mat if very young children are in the home.
  • When children are old enough, teach them to cook safely and always with help from an adult.
More information about burns and scalds can be found Here
Fire Prevention Tips found here
Thank you for the great information from the website!

Please stay safe this holiday season!!

    Sunday, June 20, 2010

    Image thanks to Christina Richert 
     article re-posted from child safety 101 ""

    Hopefully, if you are the parent of a young child or teen, you have heard of this game before.  If you haven't, you need to familiarize yourself with it and be prepared to talk to your child about its dangers.  Because most kids have heard of it, and many are playing it, sometimes with deadly consequences.
    The Choking Game is also known by the names "Black Out" or "Pass Out", is defined by the CDC as "self-strangulation or stangulation by another person with the hands or a noose to achieve a brief euphoric state caused by cerebral hypoxia."  Translation?  Kids, primarily between 9 and 16 years old, are attempting to get a quick high by cutting off the oxygen to their brain for short periods of time.
    The danger is that when a person's brain is deprived of oxygen for even short periods of time, brain damage or death can result.  Kids, who often play this game in groups, may never have witnessed any adverse effects, and therefore think the game is safe.  But its not.  According to the Games Children Shouldn't Play (GASP) website, between 250 and 1,000 kids die playing this game each year.
    In What is the Choking Game, we examined this scary, potentially deadly game that is "played" by thousands of kids every year.  Awareness is great, but parents also need to know what they can do to prevent their child from falling victim to this trend, and what signs to look for that may indicate that their child is already participating.
    Choking Game Prevention
    The most important thing parents can do is talk to their kids about this game and it's dangers.  Many parents may be hesitant to do so, fearing that if they bring up the subject, they may be giving kids the "idea" to engage in this practice.  However, according to the Games Adolescents Shouldn't Play (GASP) website, most kids already know about the game anyway.  What they don't know is how deadly it can be. The GASP website has educational materials you can use to talk to kids about this dangerous activity.
    Choking Game Warning Signs
    The GASP website lists some of the common warning signs that a child may be engaging in The Choking Game:
    • Any suspicious mark on the side of the neck, sometimes hidden by a turtleneck, scarf or permanently turned-up collar.
    • Changes in personality, such as overtly aggressive or agitated.
    • Any kind of strap, rope or belt lying around near the child for no clear reason—and attempts to elude questions about such objects.
    • Headaches (sometimes excruciatingly bad ones), loss of concentration, flushed face.
    • Bloodshot eyes or any other noticeable signs of eye stress.
    • A thud in the bedroom or against a wall—meaning a fall in cases of solitary practice.
    • Any questions about the effects, sensations or dangers of strangulation.
    If you suspect a child may be engaging in this behavior, let their parents know right away.  Talk to them about the dangers, and refer them to the GASP website for more information.
    Please take the time to view this short video about The Choking Game.
    Thank you to Susan Carney Child Safety Examiner on the website for this article to help us make parents more aware of this dangerous youth risk behavior, the team at Ed4Ed and Gasp want everyone to be more aware and look for all the signs. A complete injury prevention program for any parent or educator is located on our blog at please visit and educate yourself. You might just save a life that you love.

    Sunday, May 23, 2010

    Safe Boating Week-May 22-28th (Safe Kids)

     Safe Boating Week (May 22-28) 

    Hitting the waters is a great family activity during the summer months.  Whether it’s a power boat, a family canoe, or a walk on the dock, the risks are the same.  Anyone on or near the water without a life jacket is at risk for drowning in the event of an accident.  We want you and your family to be safe on the water this year, which is why we are celebrating Safe Boating Week.
    If you are driving a boat this summer, we urge you to take a boating education course to refresh on safe boating practices.  Also, you can get a vessel safety check every year for free from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary or U.S. Power Squadrons.  For more information, visit and click “get a free safety check.”  

    Follow these simple tips to stay safe on the waters:

    • Always have your children wear the right size and type life jacket approved by the U.S. Coast Guard while on boats or around open bodies of water or participating in water sports. The life jacket should fit snugly and not allow the child’s chin or ears to slip through the neck opening.
    • Actively supervise children in and around open bodies of water, giving them your undivided attention. Appoint a designated “water watcher,” taking turns with other adults.
    • Enroll your child in swimming lessons after age 4 – typically the earliest age when they are likely to practice and retain information. Teach children how to tread water, float and stay by the shore.
    • Make sure kids swim only in areas designated for swimming.
    • Teach children that swimming in open water is not the same as swimming in a pool: they need to be aware of uneven surfaces, river currents, ocean undertow and changing weather.
    • Do not let kids operate personal water crafts such as jet skis. These are intended for adults and require special training.
    • Teach children not to dive into oceans, lakes or rivers because you never know how deep the water is or what might be hidden under the surface of the water.
    These wonderful tips and information came from the Safe Kids site Here

    Play safe~~ Leslie

    Wednesday, May 19, 2010

    Drive Safely--warning graphic violence video

    At first I was not sure if I wanted to post this video, it brought me to tears, but it is real life. As Emergency providers and nurses we see the devastation that can occur from just plain careless driving, not paying attention, and risk taking behaviors. Please be careful, pay attention to those around you, use caution when you are in a car or even walking across the street. You just never know when the person in the car near you will make the wrong decision that day and kill you or your family member. Take the time to take care of other people's lives and not just your own, you are not the only one on the road. My child or your child might be the one you kill.
    The video below contains very graphic and very real images of dead bodies and destruction. I felt like it need to be shown, maybe to save one life or many.

    Drive Safely - warning graphic violence
    - Watch more Videos at Vodpod.

    Thank you for watching and possibly saving my child's life one day

    Saturday, May 15, 2010

    Teen Dating Violence

    Stop Teen Dating Violence Pictures, Images and Photos

    With the season of prom and graduations upon us teens are busy with new spring relationships and friendships. Teens and parents need be aware of some of the dangers that stem from "unhealthy relationships". As a teen victim myself of a date rape and a very unhealthy relationship, I want to make it clear to teens that it is not a normal part of your relationship to be pushed around, hit, slapped, teased or verbally abused by another person and if you say "NO" it should mean "NO". Respecting your "boyfriend or girlfriend" and treating them the way you would like to be treated is a normal healthy relationship as with all other relationships in your life. Never think that "it is all my fault" or "I deserved that" or "I was drunk" should mean that violence is OK, it is NOT!!

    The information below comes from the CDC's website and includes great info about teen dating violence plus much more.

    Unhealthy relationships can start early and last a lifetime.  Dating violence often starts with teasing and name calling.  These behaviors are often thought to be a “normal” part of a relationship.  But these behaviors can lead to more serious violence like physical assault and rape. 

    What is dating violence?

    Teen dating violence Adobe 
PDF file [PDF 323KB] is defined as the physical, sexual, or psychological/emotional violence within a dating relationship.   You may have heard several different words used to describe teen dating violence. Here are just a few:
    • Relationship Abuse
    • Intimate Partner Violence
    • Relationship Violence
    • Dating Abuse
    • Domestic Abuse
    • Domestic Violence
    Adolescents and adults are often unaware how regularly dating violence occurs.  In a nationwide survey, 9.9 percent of high school students report being hit, slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by their boyfriend or girlfriend in the 12 months prior to the survey. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007 Youth Risk Behavior Survey.)

    What are the consequences of dating violence?

    As teens develop emotionally, they are heavily influenced by their relationship experiences. Healthy relationship behaviors can have a positive effect on a teen’s emotional development. Unhealthy, abusive or violent relationships can cause short term and long term negative effects, or consequences to the developing teen.  Victims of teen dating violence are more likely to do poorly in school, and report binge drinking, suicide attempts, and physical fighting.  Victims may also carry the patterns of violence into future relationships.

    Why Does Dating Violence Happen?

    Treat others with respect. This idea may seem like common sense but the truth is, quite a few teens are involved in violent relationships. And many think it's justified. After all, society seems to be okay with it, just look at all the TV shows and listen to popular songs these days. Violence is never acceptable. But there are reasons why it happens.
    Violence is related to certain risk factors. Risks of having unhealthy relationships increase for teens who:
    • Believe it's okay to use threats or violence to get their way or to express frustration or anger.
    • Use alcohol or drugs.
    • Can't manage anger or frustration.
    • Hang out with violent peers.
    • Have low self-esteem or are depressed.
    • Have learning difficulties and other problems at school.
    • Don't have parental supervision and support.
    • Witness violence at home or in the community.
    • Have a history of aggressive behavior or bullying.
    Dating violence can be prevented when teens, families, organizations, and communities work together to implement effective prevention strategies. 
    The following resources provide more information on teen dating violence.


    Additional CDC Resources:

    Additional Federal Resources:


    Resource Centers:

    Wednesday, January 20, 2010

    Bullying: A serious problem

    Bullying is when one child picks on another child again and again. Usually children who are being bullied are either weaker or smaller, are shy, and generally feel helpless.

    Facts About Bullying
    •Both girls and boys can be bullies.
    •Bullies target children who cry, get mad, or easily give in to them.
    •There are 3 types of bullying.
    ◦Physical—hitting, kicking, pushing, choking, punching
    ◦Verbal—threatening, taunting, teasing, hate speech ◦Social—excluding victims from activities or starting rumors about them
    Bullying Happens:
    •At school—in the halls, at lunch, or in the bathroom, when teachers are not there to see what is going on.
    •When adults are not watching—going to and from school, on the playground, or in the neighborhood.
    •Through e-mail or instant messaging—rumors are spread or nasty notes are sent.
    Bullying is Different from Fighting or Teasing:
    •A bully has power over another child.
    •Bullies try to control other children by scaring them.
    •Being picked on over and over can make your child a victim.
    •Bullying usually happens when other children are watching.
    Talk With Your Child About Bullying
    Even if you don’t think your child is bullied, a bully, or a bystander, you will be helping to protect your child just by asking these questions:

    •“How are things going at school?”
    •“What do you think of the other kids in your class?”
    •“Does anyone get picked on or bullied?”
    When your child is bullied Talk with your child about how to stay safe. Bullies always pick on smaller or weaker children. If there is a fight, and the bully “wins,” this will only make matters worse for your child.

    Help your child learn how to respond
    Let’s talk about what you can do and say if this happens again.

    Teach your child how to:
    •Look the bully in the eye.
    •Stand tall and stay calm in a difficult situation.
    •Walk away.
    Teach your child how to say in a firm voice:
    •“I don’t like what you are doing.”
    •“Please do NOT talk to me like that.”
    • “Why would you say that?”
    Just telling your child to do and say these things is not enough. For many children, these skills do not come naturally. It is like learning a new language—lots of practice is needed. Practice so that, in the heat of the moment, these skills will come to your child naturally.

    Teach your child when and how to ask for help. Your child should not be afraid to ask an adult for help when bullying happens. Since some children are embarrassed about being bullied, parents need to let their children know that being bullied is not their fault.

    Encourage your child to make friends with other children. There are many adult-supervised groups, in and out of school, that your child can join. Invite your child’s friends over to your home. Children who are loners are more likely to get picked on.
    Support activities that interest your child. By participating in activities such as team sports, music groups, or social clubs, your child will develop new abilities and social skills. When children feel good about how they relate to others, they are less likely to be picked on.

    Alert school officials to the problems and work with them on solutions.

    •Since bullying often occurs outside the classroom, talk with the principal, guidance counselor, or playground monitors, as well as your child’s teachers. When school officials know about bullying, they can help stop it.
    •Write down and report all bullying to your child’s school. By knowing when and where the bullying occurs, you and your child can better plan what to do if it happens again.
    •Some children who are bullied will fear going to school, have difficulty paying attention at school, or develop symptoms like headaches or stomach pains.
    When Your Child is the Bully
    If you know that your child is bullying others, take it very seriously. Now is the time when you can change your child’s behavior.

    In the long run, bullies continue to have problems. These problems often get worse. If the bullying behavior is allowed to continue, then when these children become adults, they are much less successful in their work and family lives and may even get in trouble with the law.

    Set firm and consistent limits on your child’s aggressive behavior. Be sure your child knows that bullying is never OK.

    Be a positive role model. Children need to develop new and constructive strategies for getting what they want.

    Show children that they can get what they want without teasing, threatening, or hurting someone. All children can learn to treat others with respect.

    Use effective, nonphysical discipline, such as loss of privileges. When your child needs discipline, explain why the behavior was wrong and how your child can change it.

    Help your child understand how bullying hurts other children. Give real examples of the good and bad results of your child’s actions.

    Develop practical solutions with others. Together with the school principal, teachers, counselors, and parents of the children your child has bullied, find positive ways to stop the bullying.

    SourceConnected Kids: Safe, Strong, Secure (Copyright © 2006 American Academy of Pediatrics)
    Article found here on the website

    For more info on bullying check these sites out:
    Medline Plus - NIH
    Stop Bullying Now website

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    "Safer than drugs? NOT!!

    The choking game is not safer than drugs! The most common age for this fatal risk taking game is 11-16 yrs old, 87% are males. Many deaths from this are just thought to be suicides, not accidental suffocations.Causes irreversible brain damage, permanent disabilities and death. The "choking game" is an activity in which persons strangulate themselves to achieve euphoria through brief hypoxia. In simple terms: they choke themselves, cutting off the blood(that carries the oxygen) from the heart to the brain, thus passing out or near passing out. As they let go or unloosen the stangulation all the blood that has pooled rushes back up to give that person a "warm and fuzzy feeling". What happens when the warm and fuzzy feeling goes wrong and you pass out with whatever tied around your neck? You do not wake up, you die!!! If you, your child or your friends think this is fun and safer than drugs, better leave your obituary written out so your family can find it when you are gone. If you want a "warm and fuzzy feeling"  I will gladly get you a kitten or a puppy ;), they are warm and fuzzy, but alot less dangerous.

    Thank you to the GASP Association for this great video, and thank you to Carrie at Ed4Ed on You Tube for making sure this was on You Tube for all to view.

    crazy ER nurse and not a fan of the Space Monkey

    Saturday, January 9, 2010

    Playing the "Choking Game"?

    I hope your answer to the above question is NO!!
    This is not just a stupid kids game? This is a fatal choice to many children and teens, what choice will you make...Life or Death?
    The choking game is a dangerous activity that older children and early adolescents sometimes play to get a brief high. They either choke each other or use a noose to choke themselves. After just a short time, children can pass out, which may lead to serious injury or even death from hanging or strangulation.

    Since 1995, at least 82 children and adolescents have died as a result of playing "the choking game," according to a new study by CDC's Injury Center. Researchers analyzed media reports of deaths of children and adolescents from the choking game. Highlights from their findings address some common questions about this public health threat.

    What is the choking game?

    The choking game is a dangerous activity that older children and early adolescents sometimes play to get a brief high. They either choke each other or use a noose to choke themselves. After just a short time, children can pass out, which may lead to serious injury or even death from hanging or strangulation.

    Who is most at risk for death from playing the choking game?

    • Boys were much more likely to die from the choking game than girls; 87% of victims were boys.
    • Most of the children that died were 11-16 years old (89%).
    • Nearly all of the children who died were playing the game alone when they died.
    • Deaths have occurred all over the United States; the choking game isn't limited to one area of the country.
    What are the warning signs that a child is playing the choking game?

    Parents, educators, health-care providers, or peers may observe any of the following signs that can indicate a child has been involved in the choking game:
    • Discussion of the game or its aliases
    • Bloodshot eyes
    • Marks on the neck
    • Wearing high-necked shirts, even in warm weather
    • Frequent, severe headaches
    • Disorientation after spending time alone
    • Increased and uncharacteristic irritability or hostility
    • Ropes, scarves, and belts tied to bedroom furniture or doorknobs or found knotted on the floor
    • The unexplained presence of dog leashes, choke collars, bungee cords, etc.
    • Petechiae (pinpoint bleeding spots) under the skin of the face, especially the eyelids, or the conjunctiva (the lining of the eyelids and eyes)

    What are some of the other names used for the choking game?

    • Pass-out game
    • Space monkey
    • Suffocation roulette
    • Scarf game
    • The American dream
    • Fainting game
    • Something dreaming game
    • Purple hazing
    • Blacking out/blackout
    • Dream game
    • Flat liner
    • California choke
    • Space cowboy
    • Airplaning
    • Purple dragon
    • Cloud nine

    How quickly can someone die after playing the choking game?
    Someone can become unconscious in a matter of seconds. Within three minutes of continued strangulation (i.e., hanging), basic functions such as memory, balance, and the central nervous system start to fail. Death occurs shortly after.

    Are there non-fatal, long-term consequences of the choking game?
    • Loss of consciousness and death of brain cells due to oxygen deprivation in the brain; coma and seizures may occur in severe cases
    • Concussions or broken bones (including jaws) from falls associated with the choking game
    • Hemorrhages of the eye

    How can the choking game be prevented?
    Research is not available on the best strateges to prevent the choking game. However, parents, educators, and health-care providers should be made aware of this public health threat and the warning signs that adolescents may be playing the game.
    (above information copied from the CDC website)

    More Information :

    Unintentional Strangulation Deaths Among Children and Adolescents: The "Choking Game" – United States, 1995-2007  CDC link
     CDC feature "the choking game"
    The Choking Game Can Be Deadly--  deadly choking game
     For Kevins Sake- a fatal victim
    GASP website
    Youtube video about Choking Game

    Be educated and Be Safe~~~ Leslie~~~