
Thursday, August 18, 2011

What the heck is "Bath Salts" if its not for my bathtub?

‘Bath Salts’ Growing Drug Abuse Problem

Posted under Stimulants on January 28, 2011
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Makers of the product call it ‘bath salts,’ but it’s anything but a soothing way to relax in the tub. Instead, these little packets of powder carrying names like Ivory Wave, Bliss, White Lightning, Hurricane Charlie and Vanilla Sky are akin to synthetic cocaine or methamphetamine – and very dangerous.
The American Association of Poison Control Centers ( issued a press release Jan. 18 raising the alarm about toxic substances marketed as ‘bath salts’ and said states are beginning to take action. The products cause increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, agitation, hallucinations, extreme paranoia and delusions.
What ‘bath salts’ are
‘Bath salts’ contain powerful stimulants methedrone and methylenedioxypyrovalerone, also called MDPV, and there have been scattered reports across the country of drug-induced deaths accidental overdose or suicide.
How are these chemicals used? According to the American Association of Poison Control Centers, most patients calling the poison centers have snorted the substances. In at least one instance, the substance was injected into the individual’s veins.
Chemicals still legal for sale in U.S.
The big difference between ‘bath salts’ and cocaine and methamphetamine, which are classified as controlled substances by the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), is that this latest designer drug – marketed as something not for human consumption — is still legal to be sold in the U.S. The same chemicals in the so-called ‘bath salts’ have also been sold as plant food, pond scum cleaner, and insecticide.
MDPV and mephedrone, according to the DEA, are chemicals of concern, but the agency is currently studying them. The result is that they’re legal at the federal level and in states that haven’t yet specifically prohibited them.
States take action
That’s changing quickly – at least at the state level.
After Louisiana had more than 160 poison control cases – and at least three deaths – linked to the chemicals in ‘bath salts,’ Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal banned the chemical ingredients in the stimulants in an emergency executive order this month. The order will remain in effect for 120 days. In order to become permanent, the state Legislature will need to act.
On Wednesday, Florida became the latest state to enact a ban on MDPV, a ruling that stands for 90 days.
North Dakota instituted a ban in February 2010. The city of Huntington, West Virginia outlawed MDPV and mephedrone last December. Officials in Kentucky, Mississippi and other states are beginning to take similar steps, reports the Los Angeles Times.
Always on the hunt for ways to skirt laws, makers of these designer drugs try to stay one step ahead of laws on the books and enforcement to catch offenders. It’s a frequently noted problem. By the time laws catch up to the producers of such drugs, the perpetrators have switched the formulation and morphed the substance into something new.
The Los Angeles Times article noted that California hasn’t yet seen the critical mass of this problem like Louisiana. The California Poison Control System has only received one call on ‘bath salts.’
Parents urged to safeguard children
Still, this issue isn’t going to fade away anytime soon. People can easily buy these ‘bath salts’ at any age. They are available on the Internet for about $20. Parents should be especially cautious and monitor their children’s spending closely, especially if there have been any reports of ‘bath salts’ usage in the area, if the kids talk about the latest cool and cheap way to get high, or parents notice unusual behavior that could indicate drug use.
Poison control centers across the country are ready to answer questions about ‘bath salts’ or any other product that could pose harm to users. Contact the poison control center at 1-800-222-1222.

Article credit to website:
Some great information on this site, help for those suffering from addictions also.


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Back to school health checklist: Is your child ready to start the year?

Posted by Laura under Health Care

A new school year is upon us and it brings excitement along with it. I’m guilty of loving new supplies! Nothing makes my heart jump like three new highlighters in annoyingly bright colors. There’s no sarcasm here because I would genuinely look forward to shopping for book and supplies lists.
Kids need to also check their health before they go to school. So I’m getting into the festivity of checklists and created a health related checklist designed specifically for school-aged children:
  • Lice- Children notoriously share lice when they are in daycare, preschool and starting elementary. If only the shared their toys as much with their siblings. Vacation spots are also a breeding ground for lice so be sure to check their heads before starting school. For example, I got lice in Disneyland! I visited the mouse and he sent bugs my way. No fair if you ask me.
  • Allergies- Many kids have some sort of allergy like pollen or bee stings. Be sure to let the teacher and school know what they should look out for and how to proceed. Small children who are accustomed to staying home everyday are usually exposed to the same things. Once they start daycare or preschool, they learn to deal with watery eyes and constant sniffles. Be on the lookout for signs of allergies so your child’s school day can be a little easier.
  • Vision issues- Most parents don’t learn a child needs glasses until they enter school. Teachers may observe the child is squinting in order to see. Others might claim it’s too hard to read and refuse to learn altogether. If your child complains of recurrent headaches, he might have a vision problem that needs correcting.
  • Immunization- Parents choose whether or not to vaccinate their kids but if you do be sure to keep your child’s vaccines up to date. Ask your doctor to provide you with a copy of his records so you can keep it at home.
  • Healthy lunches- Children need healthy, balanced meals to help them curb obesity and lead overall healthier lives. Ask your children to help you choose their lunches because involving them encourages healthier patterns for the future. Healthy lunches usually include at least one serving of the big three: fruits, vegetables and proteins.
  • Healthy behaviors- These include habits like washing their hands before meals and after recess and covering their mouths and noses after coughing or sneezing. Parents do this anyway but it’s incredibly important when kids start venturing out to schools.
This list can be used for any child but keep in mind that all kids are different. Parents with children with specific needs should always inform the school before starting the year. My sister, for example, took an anti-seizure medication for the first seven years of her life. It would leave her groggy for the first hour of class. Teachers knew that by letting her sleep an extra 20 minutes in school she would eventually wake up and get on with her day.
Great info from the @dialdoctors blog page, love to follow them on Twitter


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