Monday, April 30, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
How AWARxE are you? Are you a Hoarder?
Yes at times I can confess that as a nurse, I am a hoarder of medicines, are you?
Just how informed are you as a parent or a healthcare provider? How many extra bottles of medications do you have left over in your medicine cabinet?
Do you take them when you want to? Do you share them with others, family, friends or co-workers? Have you even thought about the dangers and damages that could ensue by keeping these meds just because you "think you might need them later".
I will have to say that I am just as guilty of saving medication bottles for those "just in case times" and yes I do have 3 children in my household. Here are some things for us "Hoarders" to think long and hard about.
This week over at The Mommies Network blog, we have been focusing on just those dangers and other very helpful topics that all parents need to know.
Here is part of that information and an interview with Dr. Carmen Catizone - to read the entire 4 part interview visit The Mommies Network blog here.
April 28 is the DEA National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day. Anyone with unused medications can drop them off at designated collection sites on April 28. The DEA coordinates with local law enforcement and community partners to provide thousands of sites across the country so that unwanted drugs are disposed of safely and legally. Sites will accept both prescription and nonprescription pills for disposal.
The Mommies Network recently spoke with Executive Director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy, Dr. Carmen Catizone, about the dangers of Prescription Drug Abuse. Dr. Catizone is the Executive Director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) and a licensed pharmacist. He currently serves as a Governor of the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Board of Directors and Chair of the PTCB Certification Council. Dr. Catizone is regularly called to serve as an expert witness for the US Government in the areas of pharmacy practice and regulation on both the state and national level issues.
TMN: Why can't I just flush or throw away expired prescriptions?
Dr. Catizone: Flushing certain medications or improper disposal in the garbage can lead to safety and environmental hazards. Proper disposal of unneeded medications helps prevent accidental ingestion by people and pets in the home, and also helps protect the environment by keeping drugs out of the local water system and the local environment. When drugs are brought to an authorized DEA collection site, or other legal disposal program, they are processed for safe destruction.
FDA does recommend that certain drugs are flushed to prevent danger to people and pets in the home. FDA has determined that the risks of accidental ingestion of these select medications, outweighs the small risk to the environment. A link to the list of drugs that should be flushed for disposal, as well as additional information, is available on the Medication Disposal page of the AWARxE Web site.
TMN: I already handle medicines responsibly. Why should I care about this event?
Dr. Catizone: While you and your family handle medications responsibly, remember that sometimes prescription drugs are taken out of medicine cabinets by visitors to the home, such as a teen’s guests, guests at a party, or hired workers completing a home repair.
Another concern is accidental ingestion of medications by children. The number of emergency department visits due to medication poisoning for children under age five increased 30% from 2001 to 2008, and child self-exposure to prescription products accounted for 55% of the emergency room visits, according to a study in The Journal of Pediatrics.
By securely storing the medications you need, and disposing of unneeded medications, you can prevent these drugs from falling into the wrong hands. And, by sharing this information with others, you can help to protect their loved ones, your friends, and your community by helping to prevent prescription drug abuse.
Discover More:
· CDC Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work · Safe Medication Disposal ·AWARxE: Get Local · FDA Drug Disposal Information · NIDA Community Drug Alert Bulletin - Prescription Drugs ·The Road to Nowhere: Prescription Drug Abuse educational slideshow · Video: The Road to Nowhere · FDA Video: Teaching Kids About Using Medicine Safely
Don't Be a Pill Hoarder!!
Your stash may just be the next Pill party for teens that might have access to them.
Don't just toss them in the trash either, somebody will dig them out of the trash!
Don't put down the sink or toilet, harmful chemicals will seep into our water, among
other things, this is just environmentally wrong!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Drinking and Driving Knows No Boundaries
All the people in this video sadly have something in common, can you figure it out?
Take the keys!
Don't let your family or friends in the drivers seat with alcohol or drugs
on board, next time it might be you or your family that is the victim.
Save a life!
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Whats for Easter Dinner Peeps
So you say what kind of things can my pets get sick or die from:
This great info comes from the Petside website
The following seven holiday products are the most common Easter dangers:
Eggs - Dyed and Plastic
Shiny plastic eggs may look like toys to your pets. If they chew and swallow the plastic, it can cause intestinal problems that may require surgery. Fresh, hard boiled eggs are not dangerous, but eggs spoil quickly. If days later your pet finds and eats an egg that was undiscovered during the Easter hunt, it can make them very sick. Tip: Keep track of the number of eggs hidden and make sure all are accounted for at the end of the hunt.
Easter Grass
Cats are especially attracted to these shiny shreds, and just like tinsel, ingesting this "grass" may be lethal. Pets can not digest it, leading to the threads getting stuck in and damaging their intestines. Tip: A better choice? Try using paper, or even real grass!
Most adults already know how dangerous chocolate is for pets, but it is important children know as well. Make sure to tell your kids that sharing with the family pet could make them very sick. Still, supervision is key. Tip: With chocolate bunnies in every basket, and chocolate eggs hidden around the house, it may be best if your pets are in kept in an "Easter free zone" during the festivities.
Easter Lilies
These flowers and beautiful and festive, but should be avoided at all costs if you share your home with pets. Easter lilies are one of the most poisonous plants for pets, especially to cats. Vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite are symptoms of lily poisoning. Cats who take a bite of the flower can die from kidney failure in less than two days if left untreated. Tip: Try faux lilies for the same look without the risk.
Chocolate isn't the only tasty treat dangerous for your pet. Too much sugar can also cause digestive upset. Additionally, the foil wrapping around candies can cause internal damage. The sharp pieces may tear your pet's esophagus or intestines. Tip: Be sure to keep a close eye on your pet and clean up all wrappings immediately.
Easter Toys
Those teeny tiny baby chick toys and bendy bunnies may be good basket stuffers for your kids, but to your pets they look like a good snack. Small toys are a choking hazard and should be kept away from cats and dogs. Be sure baskets are kept off the ground, or that pets are kept in another room while baskets are being unwrapped. Tip: Make sure all toys and parts are too big for your pet to fit in their mouth.
Baby animals
Baby chicks, bunnies and ducks may seem like the perfect Easter basket addition, but think twice! Not only do these cute babies grow up into large, adult animals requiring full-time care, but they often carry Salmonella. This harmful bacteria can be transmitted to your children and other pets. Tip: Stuffed bunnies and chicks make a much better choice as Easter pets!
For more information on keeping your pet safe, check out our full list of Poisonous Household Products and Petside's original video: Household Dangers
Please take care and think about those fur-babies at home! Consider adopting a rescue animal also to save a life.
Hoppy Easter today!!