
Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Sweet Smell Of Health and Wellness ~ Peppermint #oilspotlight #essentialoils #nursestoolkit

Sweet smell of health and wellness-- Peppermint
One of my favorites, mixed with Lavender essential oil and applied to my temples, the bottom of my feet and back of my neck. Migraine gone!
I am a super believer in the power of essential oils, I have used many of them on myself, my family and even my pets. Amazing results from something from nature and not in a pill! 

~My Nurse Health Tool Kit with Peppermint~

  • Anti-Nausea – Just put a drop in your water and drink it slowly. Also, rubbing a drop on your tummy soothes nausea.
  • Clear Sinuses – Place on your feet, temples, chest, or simple inhale the peppermint oil. 
  • Reduce Hunger Cravings – Place a drop or two in your water and drink in between meals.
  • Fever-reducer – Simply place a drop on each foot or in bath water (mix with coconut oil or other carrier oil to apply to children's feet)
  • Breath Freshener – place a drop on your tongue.
  • Headache Relief – place a drop on your temples or the back of your neck where your pressure points are located ( I mix Lavender and sometimes Frankincense oils with Peppermint for my headache fix) 
  • Bug Repellent – Place a few drops of peppermint oil on cotton balls and place where the bugs are coming in. Also, it will deter mice, spiders hate this stuff.
  • Eliminates Motion Sickness – Place a drop on your tummy and temples. Also, drinking a glass of water with a drop of oil during the ride will help eliminate motion sickness.
  • Diminishes Indigestion– Gently place a drop on your navel when you are experiencing uncomfortable indigestion.
  • Soothes Sore Muscles – I like soaking in a tub with a few drops of peppermint oil or just rubbing the oil on your sore muscles (Add lavender, baking soda, Epson salts for a fantastic detox bath!)
  • Prevents Dandruff – Place a few drops of peppermint oil in your bottle of shampoo, add some Melaluca(tea tree) oil for really stubborn flaky scalps.
  • Hot Flash relief-- rub some oil on the back of your neck, forehead and anywhere else you need some cooling relief menopauseal ladies, I can attest that this really works (I put some in a roller ball with fractionated coconut oil or with witch-hazel and keep in my pocket at work-- Ahhhhhh relief) 
  • Study and mental recall aid- diffuse peppermint in your study room to help with recalling information. Inhale to increase your oxygen intake by at least 25% and have better alertness.
  • Night nurse pick me up- mix with lemon oil in your water and this will wake you up (make sure to use a glass or metal container) this also keeps me awake on the drive home in the am.
  • Flavorings of course for all sorts of yummy recipes, I will add some soon. 
  • I am sure I will think of more and add later...........

Want to learn more? click HERE for more information 
Below is a fantastic video about my favorite oil- Peppermint by one of my favorite doctors- Dr Josh Axe (

A simple guide to essential oils~ why are you not using them?

I can't tell you how much better I feel today by just using essential oils in my daily life. Yes I still have the usual aches and pains of a nurse that has worked for nearly 30 years, but my wellness and health is improving so much more everyday. All thanks to these wonderful little drops of love!

Stay tuned and I will share more with you, tips, recipes and other helpful hints on your health and wellness.

Order your Essential Oil tool kit today HERE  and get started on your new path.