
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving: What I Am Thankful For.... An ER Nurses Version #nurse #ernurse

Nurses are thankful for many things, but they seem to have a strange way of showing there gratitude sometimes. Only another ER nurse that has been in the trenches day after day (or night after night) understands the gratitude shown by another ER nurse. We are an odd breed of nursing creature, we are.
Humor helps us cope with the stress, chaos, drama, unrelenting flood of patients, death and dying, and our own misfortunes too. We have a dark side of humor that most laypeople just don't understand. Believe me, most of the time we are laughing with you and would never wish to hurt your feelings by laughing at your pain or loss. Laughter is a coping mechanism for healthcare providers.
When you hear laughing and joy in the Emergency Department, don't get upset and think the staff is just goofing off, not doing their jobs and have forgotten about you or your loved one.
Laughter is a good thing, it means the nursing staff is able to destress a minute,cope with the situation at hand, and they might be distressing together as a team.
You want your nurse to be happy.

This Thanksgiving I am so very thankful to be a nurse, for listening to my mother when she talked some sense into me at age 16. I wanted to be a veterinarian, but I don't do well taking care of sick animals (makes me cry) lol. So she suggested nursing instead since I was already working as a junior volunteer at a local hospital. Since 1979, I have loved being in the healthcare field, very thankful for such great nurses that took the time to show me their tips and actually believe in me.

Here is a list of other things that ER nurses can be thankful for:

  • Great co-workers, nurses, nurses assistants and ancillary staff all included- we all work together for the common goal. 
  • When you actually have a great manager that listens to you, believes in you, and is fair all around, not unwilling to roll up his/her sleeves and work along side their staff to get the job done.
  • Educators that educate, consistently making sure staff is up to date on certifications, new policies, new procedures etc. Not just making pretty bulletin boards (pet peeve), also willing to work in staffing when needed.
  • Equipment that works
  • EKG machines that print clear readings on the first try
  • A well stocked supply room (yes I am reaching here)
  • Benefit plan that fits your family needs -- they are not all perfect, but at least we have them
  • No Psych pts on your
  • Sober patients are always nice
  • Nice big juicy veins- and the ability to hit your iv on the first stick all day
  • QBT---quality butt when we have an unusual night
  • Laughter with great friends
I can think of so many more things to wish for, but that might be another blog post.....
Tell me what your most thankful things are about being a nurse, I would love to hear them. 

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