
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Anaphylaxis And It's Effects On The Body

Anaphylaxis is an acute allergic reaction that affects the entire body. If you have ever experienced a life threatening allergic reaction to something, you remember how scared you were I am sure. Anaphylaxis is bad, an emergent condition that needs emergency care immediately or the person will die! Call 911! Emergency care providers are trained to care for these type of events. Driving yourself or your family member to the hospital yourself is not smart. You will delay care and possibly cause their death. Wait for EMS! 

The Effects of Anaphylaxis on the Body

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1 comment:

  1. I really like the saying you have under your beach picture. You don't just mention things about nursing, you mentioned things a nurse should be. I especially like how you said that positive change is important. I know that is a major key when it comes to caring for someone.


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